The Apex Book of World SF – vrijedi podržati

Apex Publication je izdavač posvećen znanstvenoj fantastici. Njihov vrlo vrijedan projekt je The Apex Book of World SF. Riječe je o lamanahu posvećenom autorima koji dolaze iz cijelog svijeta. Druga knjiga je u pripremi i izlazi u travnju. Nudi se za simboličnu cijenu od 5 dolara ako se kupi u banču s prvom knjigom – to je onda cca 22 dolara + poštarina i svatko tko može neka podrži.

Ovo su sadržaji prve i druge knjige i vjerujem da ćete prepoznati neka imena:

Sadržaj DRUGE knjige (izlazi u travnju):

“Alternate Girl’s Expatriate Life” by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz • “Mr. Goop” by Ivor W. Hartmann • “Trees of Bone” by Daliso Chaponda • “The First Peruvian in Space” by Daniel Salvo (translated by Jose B. Adolph) • “Eyes in the Vastness of Forever” by Gustavo Bondoni • “The Tomb” by Chen Qiufan (translated by the author) • “The Sound of Breaking Glass” by Joyce Chng • “A Single Year” by Csilla Kleinheincz (translated by the author) • “The Secret Origin of Spin-Man” by Andrew Drilon • “Borrowed Time” by Anabel Enríquez Piñeiro (translated by Daniel W. Koon) • “Branded” by Lauren Beukes • “December 8th” by Raúl Flores (translated by Daniel W. Koon) • “Hungry Man” by Will Elliott • “Nira and I” by Shweta Narayan • “Nothing Happened in 1999” by Fábio Fernandes • “Shadow” by Tade Thompson • “Shibuya no Love” by Hannu Rajaniemi • “Maquech” by Silvia Moreno-Garcia • “The Glory of the World” by Sergey Gerasimov • “The New Neighbours” by Tim Jones • “From the Lost Diary of TreeFrog7” by Nnedi Okorafor • “The Slows” by Gail Hareven (translated by Yaacov Jeffrey Green) • “Zombie Lenin” by Ekaterina Sedia • “Electric Sonalika” by Samit Basu • “The Malady” by Andrzej Sapkowski (translated by Wiesiek Powaga) • “A Life Made Possible Behind The Barricades” by Jacques Barcia

Sadržaj PRVE knjige:

S.P. Somtow(Thailand)—“The Bird Catcher” • Jetse de Vries(Netherlands)—“Transcendence Express” • Guy Hasson (Israel)—“The Levantine Experiments” • Han Song (China)—“The Wheel of Samsara” • Kaaron Warren (Australia/Fiji)—“Ghost Jail” • Yang Ping (China)—“Wizard World” • Dean Francis Alfar (Philippines)—“L’Aquilone du Estrellas (The Kite of Stars)” • Nir Yaniv (Israel)—“Cinderers” • Jamil Nasir (Palestine)—“The Allah Stairs” • Tunku Halim (Malaysia)—“Biggest Baddest Bomoh” • Aliette de Bodard (France)—“The Lost Xuyan Bride” • Kristin Mandigma (Philippines)—“Excerpt from a Letter by a Social-realist Aswang” • Aleksandar Žiljak (Croatia)—“An Evening In The City Coffehouse, With Lydia On My Mind” • Anil Menon (India)—“Into the Night” • Mélanie Fazi (France, translated by Christopher Priest)—“Elegy” • Zoran Živković (Serbia, translated by Alice Copple-Tošić)—“Compartments”

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