Trailer za Percy Jackson: More čudovištaPercy Jackson 2 Sea Of Monsters Official Trailer (2013)

Svijet grčkih mitoloških bića još jednom će oživjeti u filmu Percy Jackson: More čudovišta. Nastao prema istoimenom romanu, Percy i njegovi prijatelji morat će spašavati svoje utočište od strašnog Krona. Jedini im je spas Zlatno runo po koje će morati u More čudovišta…

Based on the book of the same title, Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters continues the young demigod’s epic journey to fulfill his destiny. To save their world, Percy and his friends must find the fabled and magical Golden Fleece. Embarking on a treacherous odyssey into the uncharted waters of the Sea of Monsters (known to humans as the Bermuda Triangle), they battle terrifying creatures, an army of zombies, and the ultimate Evil. Here is official trailer with a lot of action:

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