Objavljene nominacije za nagradu Aurelis

Objavljene su nominacije za nagradu koja slavi sf, fantasy i horor na australskom kontinentu. Nominacije za Aurelis su sljedeće, a dobitnike ćemo znati 12. svibnja.

SF roman:
Machine Man, Max Barry (Scribe)
Children of Scarabaeus, Sara Creasy (Harper Voyager)
The Waterboys, Peter Docker (Fremantle)
Black Glass, Meg Mundell (Scribe)
The Courier’s New Bicycle, Kim Westwood (Harper Voyager)

SF priča:
“Flowers in the Shadow of the Garden”, Joanne Anderton (Hope)
“Desert Madonna”, Robert Hood (Anywhere but Earth)
“SIBO”, Penelope Love (Anywhere but Earth)
“Dead Low”, Cat Sparks (Midnight Echo)
“Rains of la Strange”, Robert N. Stephenson (Anywhere but Earth)

Fantasy roman:
The Undivided, Jennifer Fallon (Harper Voyager)
Ember and Ash, Pamela Freeman (Hachette)
Stormlord’s Exile, Glenda Larke (Harper Voyager)
Debris, Jo Anderton (Angry Robot)
The Shattered City, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Harper Voyager)

Fantasy priča
“Fruit of the Pipal Tree”, Thoraiya Dyer (After the Rain)
“The Proving of Smollett Standforth”, Margo Lanagan (Ghosts by Gaslight)
“Into the Clouds on High”, Margo Lanagan (Yellowcake)
“Reading Coffee”, Anthony Panegyris (Overland)
“The Dark Night of Anton Weiss”, D.C. White (More Scary Kisses)

Horor roman:
Nema liste finalista – Dva počasno izdvojena rada:

The Broken Ones, Stephen M. Irwin (Hachette)
The Business of Death, Trent Jamieson (Hachette)

Horor priča:
“And the Dead Shall Outnumber the Living”, Deborah Biancotti (Ishtar)
“The Past is a Bridge Best Left Burnt”, Paul Haines (The Last Days of Kali Yuga)
“The Short Go: a Future in Eight Seconds”, Lisa L. Hannett (Bluegrass Symphony)
“Mulberry Boys”, Margo Lanagan (Blood and Other Cravings)
“The Coffin Maker’s Daughter”, Angela Slatter (A Book of Horrors)

Roman za mlade:
Shift, Em Bailey (Hardie Grant Egmont)
Secrets of Carrick: Tantony, Ananda Braxton-Smith (black dog)
The Shattering, Karen Healey (Allen & Unwin)
Black Glass, Meg Mundell (Scribe)
Only Ever Always, Penni Russon (Allen & Unwin)

Priča za mlade:
“Nation of the Night”, Sue Isle (Nightsiders)
“Finishing School”, Kathleen Jennings (Steampunk)
“Seventy-Two Derwents”, Cate Kennedy (The Wicked Wood: Tales from the Tower Volume 2)
“One Window”, Martine Murray (The Wilful Eye: Tales from the Tower Volume 1)
“The Patrician”, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Love and Romanpunk)

Dječja literatura (primarno u riječima):
The Outcasts, John Flanagan (Random House Australia)
The Paradise Trap, Catherine Jinks (Allen & Unwin)
“It Began with a Tingle”, Thalia Kalkapsakis (Headspinners, Allen & Unwin)
The Coming of the Whirlpool, Andrew McGahan (Allen & Unwin)
City of Lies, Lian Tanner (Allen & Unwin)

Dječja literatura (primarno u slikama)
The Ghost of Annabel Spoon, Aaron Blabey (author and illustrator) (Viking)
Sounds Spooky, Christopher Cheng (author) & Sarah Davis (illustrator (Random House Australia)
The Last Viking, Norman Jorgensen (author) & James Foley (illustrator) (Fremantle)
The Deep: Here be Dragons, Tom Taylor (author) & James Brouwer (illustrator) (Gestault)
Vampyre, Margaret Wild (author) & Andrew Yeo (illustrator) (Walker)

Bad Power, Deborah Biancotti (Twelfth Planet)
Last Days of Kali Yuga, Paul Haines (Brimstone)
Bluegrass Symphony, Lisa Hanett (Ticonderoga)
Nightsiders, Sue Isle (Twelfth Planet)
Love and Romanpunk, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Twelfth Planet)

Ghosts by Gaslight, Jack Dann & Nick Gevers, eds. (HarperVoyager)
Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2010, Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene, eds. (Ticonderoga)
Ishtar, Amanda Pillar & K.V. Taylor, eds. (Gilgamesh)
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 5, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Night Shade)
Life on Mars, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Viking)

Ilustrirani roman/Strip:
Hidden, Mirranda Burton (author and illustrator) (Black Pepper)
Torn, Andrew Constant (author) & Joh James (illustrator) additional illustrators Nicola Scott, Emily Smith (Gestalt)
Salsa Invertebraxa, Mozchops (author and illustrator) (Pecksniff)
The Eldritch Kid: Whiskey and Hate, Christian Read (author) & Michael Maier (illustrator) (Gestalt)
The Deep: Here be Dragons, Tom Taylor (author) & James Brouwer (illustrator) (Gestalt)

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