Nominacije za World Fantasy Award 2015.



Konkurencija za najznačajniju fantasy nagradu ove je godine prilično jaka, i to ne samo u kategoriji romana. Inače, World Fnatasy Award dodjeljuje se od 1975. godine u sklopu World Fantasy konvenicje. Dobitnik/dobitnica nagrade dobiva bistu H. P Lovecrafta, jednog od najznačajnijih žanrovskih pisaca. Neko vrijeme već traje prijepor oko toga da se bistu zamjeni zbog Lovecraftovog izraženog rasizma. Prošle je godine pokrenuta i peticija da se bista promjeni, a jedna je od ideja da bi zamjena mogla biti spisateljica Octavia Butler. Naravno, to uopće ne umanjuje važnost nagrade, a laurati za 2015. godinu bit će objavljeni na konveniciji u Saratogi koja se održava od 5. do 8. studenog. Nominacije su kako slijede:


  • The Goblin Emperor, Katherine Addison (Tor)
  • City of Stairs, Robert Jackson Bennett (Broadway; Jo Fletcher)
  • The Bone Clocks, David Mitchell (Random House; Sceptre)
  • Area X: The Southern Reach Trilogy, Jeff VanderMeer (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
  • My Real Children, Jo Walton (Tor; Corsair)


  • We Are All Completely Fine, Daryl Gregory (Tachyon)
  • Where the Trains Turn”, Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen ( 11/19/14)
  • “Hollywood North”, Michael Libling (F&SF 11-12/14)
  • The Mothers of Voorhisville”, Mary Rickert ( 4/30/14)
  • “Grand Jeté (The Great Leap)”, Rachel Swirsky (Subterranean Summer ’14)

Kratka priča:

  • “I Can See Right Through You”, Kelly Link, (McSweeney’s 48)
  • Do You Like to Look at Monsters?, Scott Nicolay (Fedogan & Bremer)
  • “Death’s Door Café”, Kaaron Warren (Shadows & Tall Trees 2014)
  • The Devil in America”, Kai Ashante Wilson (, 4/2/14)
  • “The Fisher Queen”, Alyssa Wong (F&SF 5-6/14)


  • Fearful Symmetries, Ellen Datlow, ed. (ChiZine)
  • Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, Rose Fox & Daniel José Older, eds. (Crossed Genres)
  • Shadows & Tall Trees 2014, Michael Kelly, ed. (Undertow)
  • Monstrous Affections, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, ed. (Candlewick)
  • Rogues, George R.R. Martin & Gardner Dozois, eds. (Bantam; Titan)


  • Mercy and Other Stories, Rebecca Lloyd (Tartarus)
  • Gifts for the One Who Comes After, Helen Marshall (ChiZine)
  • They Do the Same Things Different There, Robert Shearman (ChiZine)
  • The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings, Angela Slatter (Tartarus)
  • Death at the Blue Elephant, Janeen Webb (Ticonderoga)


  • Samuel Araya
  • Galen Dara
  • Jeffrey Alan Love
  • Erik Mohr
  • John Picacio

Posebna nagrada za profesionalni rad:

  • John Joseph Adams, for editing anthologies and Nightmare and Fantasy magazines
  • Jeanne Cavelos, for Odyssey writing workshops
  • Sandra Kasturi & Brett Alexander Savory, for ChiZine Publications
  • Gordon Van Gelder, for F&SF
  • Jerad Walters, for Centipede Press

Posebna nagrada za neprofesionalni rad:

  • Scott H. Andrews, for Beneath Ceaseless Skies
  • Matt Cardin, for Born to Fear: Interviews with Thomas Ligotti (Subterranean)
  • Stefan Fergus, for Civilian Reader (
  • Ray B. Russell & Rosalie Parker, for Tartarus Press
  • Patrick Swenson, for Fairwood Press

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