Trailer za roman Love Minus Eighty Willa McIntoshaBook trailer for Will McIntosh’ novel Love Minus Eighty

U drugom broju Siriusa B izašla je izvrsna priča Willa McIntosha Mrtve mladenke (Bridesicle) za koju je autor dobio nagradu Hugo. Priču o odnosim među živima i kriogenički ‘sačuvanih’ osoba, McIntosh je proširio u roman Love Minus Eighty koji izlazi u lipnju. Izdavačka kuća Orbit napravila je izvrstan kratki trailer za knjigu.

Love Minus Eighty comes out from Orbit in June. Will McIntosh wrote novel based on his Hugo Award winning short story Bridesicle.

Here’s the official synopsis:
In the future, love is complicated and death is not necessarily the end. Love Minus Eighty follows several interconnected people in a disquieting vision of romantic life in the century to come.
There’s Rob, who accidentally kills a jogger, then sacrifices all to visit her in a cryogenic dating facility, seeking forgiveness but instead falling in love.
Veronika, a shy dating coach, finds herself coaching the very woman who is stealing the man she loves.
And Mira, a gay woman accidentally placed in a heterosexual dating center near its inception, desperately seeks a way to reunite with her frozen partner as the years pass.
In this daring and big-hearted novel based on the Hugo-winning short story, the lovelorn navigate a word in which technology has reached the outer limits of morality and romance.

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