Prvi teaser za nadolazeći Total Recall reboot

Iscurio je prvi teaser (odnosno trailer za trailer) za Total Recall koji stiže u kina u kolovozu. Reboot, ili drukčiji film? Vidjet ćemo, a do tada nekoliko kadrova okruženih timekodovima i kineskim pismom, rekli bi, u duhu Dicka.

Update: Nažalost, dobili smo naputak od nosioca prava da moramo maknuti teaser jer kršimo intelektualna prava. Evo mejl u cjelosti koji smo dobili:


26 March 2012

Re: Infringing Website: – Notice of Infringement

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing on behalf of Columbia Pictures (“CP“). CP owns certain rights under copyright law in “Total Recall Trailer” (“Intellectual Property”).  There is a link on that allows for the transmission and/or downloading of the Intellectual Property, in violation of CP‘s exclusive rights under copyright law. See Exhibit A for specifics.

The unauthorized distribution or public performance of copyrighted works constitutes copyright infringement under the Copyright Act, Title 17 U.S Code Section 106(3)-(4). This conduct may also violate the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and The Universal Copyright Convention, as well as bilateral treaties with other countries that allow for protection of CP ‘s copyrighted works even beyond U.S borders.

In light of the foregoing, we hereby demand that you immediately cease such unlawful activities and take steps to ensure that, in the future, your Website does not infringe upon CP‘s exclusive rights under copyright.  Without limitation, we demand that you immediately cease and desist from using the Website to directly or indirectly cause, contribute to, enable, facilitate, aid, abet, induce, encourage, and/or participate in the infringement of CP’s copyrighted works, including but not limited to the Intellectual Property as identified in Exhibit A.

We believe this information is sufficient for you to locate and cease the infringing activities complained about herein.  We are providing this notice based on our good faith belief that the use of motion pictures and television programs owned by CP in the manner occurring via the Website is not authorized by the copyright owners, their agents, or the law.  The information in this notification is accurate. Under penalty of perjury, we are authorized to act on behalf of the owners of the exclusive rights that are being infringed.  This letter is without prejudice to the rights and remedies of CP, all of which are expressly reserved.

DtecNet Anti-Piracy Team

Exhibit A to Notice of Infringement

List of Infringing Item or Material

Name of Intellectual Property Owner: Columbia Pictures


03/26/2012 00:00:00

Infringing Webpage:

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