Novi trailer za Čovjeka od čelikaNew trailer for Man of Steel

Iako se krije iza naslova Čovjek od čelika, cijelom je svijetu jasno da se Superman vraća na velika platna.

Službeni info:

U filmu Čovjek od čelika (Man of Steel) Henry Cavill glumi Clarka Kenta / Supermana, pod vodstvom slavnog redatelja Zacka Snydera.

Još kao dječak Clark shvaća kako posjeduje izvanredne sposobnosti, te da nije s naše planete. Kao mladić, odlučuje otkriti odakle je stigao  i zašto je poslan na Zemlju. Junak u njemu morat će se  pojaviti kako bi spasio svijet od uništenja i postao simbol nade za cijelo čovječanstvo.

Čovjek od čelika predstavlja sjajnu glumačku ekipu, Amy Adams kao novi­narku Lois Lane i Laurencea Fishburnea kao njenog urednika. Zemaljski ro­ditelji Clarka Kenta su Diane Lane i Kevin Costner, a njegovog pravog oca utjelovljuje Russell Crowe.

Čovjek od čelika u IMAX, 3D i odabrana 2D kina stiže 20. lipnja.Zack Snyder‘s Superman film Man of Steel has a new trailer. There is a lot of heroic stuff in this three minute video…

Official synopsis of the movie:

In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time. Clark Kent/Kal-El (Cavill) is a young twentysomething journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond anyone’s imagination. Transported to Earth years ago from Krypton, an advanced alien planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question – Why am I here? Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha (Lane) and Jonathan Kent (Costner), Clark soon discovers that having super abilities means making very difficult decisions. But when the world needs stability the most, it comes under attack. Will his abilities be used to maintain peace or ultimately used to divide and conquer? Clark must become the hero known as “Superman,” not only to shine as the world’s last beacon of hope but to protect the ones he loves.

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