Nominacije za Prometheus, Pratchett i Ditmar nagrade

Objavljene su nominacije za Prometheus Award i Hall of Fame Award koje dodjeljuje Libertarian Futurist Society, a dobitnici će biti objavljeni u kolovozu na svečanosti u sklopu LoneStarCona 3 koji se održava u gradu San Antonio u Texasu.

Arctic Rising, Tobias Buckell
The Unincorporated Future, Dani and Eytan Kollin
Pirate Cinema, Cory Doctorow
Darkship Renegades, Sarah Hoyt
Kill Decision, Daniel Suarez

Hall of Fame:
Sam Hall, Poul Anderson
Falling Free, Lois McMaster Bujold
‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman, Harlan Ellison
Courtship Rite, Donald Kingsbury
As Easy as A.B.C., Rudyard Kipling
Cryptonomicon, Neil Stephenson

Nagrada Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now za prvi roman može biti dodjeljena ovim djelima:

The Unspoken Death of the Amazing Flying Boy, Jean Burdett
Bloodline, Sophie Constable
The Hive, Alexander Maskill
The Way Through the Woods, Robin Pearson
A Kill in the Morning, Graeme Shimmin
The Shadows of Annwn, Catherine Whittle

Dodjeljivanje nagrade su 2010. pokrenuli Terry Pratchett i Transworld, a dodjeljuje se neobjavljenom prvom romanu i to (namjerno ostavljamo u originalu): “set on Earth, although it may be an Earth that might have been, or might yet be, one that has gone down a different leg of the famous trousers of time.”

I za kraj neke od nominacija za nagradu Ditmar koju dodjeljuju Australci:

Suited, Jo Anderton (Angry Robot)
The Corpse-Rat King, Lee Battersby (Angry Robot)
Bitter Greens, Kate Forsyth (Random House Australia)
Sea Hearts, Margo Lanagan (Allen & Unwin)
Perfections, Kirstyn McDermott (Xoum)
Salvage, Jason Nahrung (Twelfth Planet)

Novela (priča):
Significant Dust, Margo Lanagan (Cracklescape)
Flight 404, Simon Petrie (Flight 404/The Hunt for Red Leicester)
Sky, Kaaron Warren (Through Splintered Walls)

Kratka priča:
The Bone Chime Song, Joanne Anderton (Light Touch Paper Stand Clear)
Sanaa’s Army, Joanne Anderton (Bloodstones)
The Wisdom of Ants, Thoraiya Dyer (Clarkesworld 12/12)
Oracle’s Tower, Faith Mudge (To Spin a Darker Stair)

The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011, Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene, ur. (Ticonderoga)
Midnight and Moonshine, Lisa L. Hannett & Angela Slatter (Ticonderoga)
Light Touch Paper Stand Clear, Edwina Harvey & Simon Petrie, ur. (Peggy Bright Books)
Cracklescape, Margo Lanagan (Twelfth Planet)
Through Splintered Walls, Kaaron Warren (Twelfth Planet)
Epilogue, Tehani Wessely, ur. (FableCroft)

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