Kubrickovo pismo Clarkeu i trailer za Odiseju 2012.

Naslov je malo zbunjujuć, ali nadamo se da smo privukli vašu pažnju.
2001: Odiseja u svemiru jedan je od najboljih, ako ne i najbolji sf film ikada snimljen. Kubrickovo remek-djelo i danas se vrlo rado gleda, više od 40 godina nakon što je snimljen, a sve je započelo jednim pismom. Davne 1964, Kubrick se obratio Clarkeu sa željom da naprave ‘stvarno dobar’ sf film. Donosimo vam pismo u cijelosti, a potmo pogledajte kako bi izgledao trailer (iliti marketing) kada bi Odiseja bila ljetni blockbuster 2012. godine.

Kubrickovo pismo Clarkeu:


March 31, 1964

Mr. Arthur C. Clarke
[Address redacted]

Dear Mr Clarke:

It’s a very interesting coincidence that our mutual friend Caras mentioned you in a conversation we were having about a Questar telescope. I had been a great admirer of your books for quite a time and had always wanted to discuss with you the possibility of doing the proverbial “really good” science-fiction movie.

My main interest lies along these broad areas, naturally assuming great plot and character:

  1. The reasons for believing in the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life.
  2. The impact (and perhaps even lack of impact in some quarters) such discovery would have on Earth in the near future.
  3. A space probe with a landing and exploration of the Moon and Mars.

Roger tells me you are planning to come to New York this summer. Do you have an inflexible schedule? If not, would you consider coming sooner with a view to a meeting, the purpose of which would be to determine whether an idea might exist or arise which could sufficiently interest both of us enough to want to collaborate on a screenplay?

Incidentally, “Sky & Telescope” advertise a number of scopes. If one has the room for a medium size scope on a pedestal, say the size of a camera tripod, is there any particular model in a class by itself, as the Questar is for small portable scopes?

Best regards,


Stanley Kubrick


2001: Odiseja u svemiru – ljetni blockbuster 2012. godine…

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