Proglašeni su ovogodišnji dobitnici World Fantasy Awards

U sklopu ovogodišnje konvencije World Fantasy Convention, koja se održala od 26. do 29. listopada u Kansas Cityju, proglašeni su ovogodišnji dobitnici World Fantasy Awards, nagrade koja se svake godine dodjeljuju najboljem djelu fantastike objavljenom u prethodnoj godini.


Dobitnik: Saint Death’s Daughter C. S. E. Cooney (Solaris)
Spear Nicola Griffith (Tordotcom Publishing)
The Ballad of Perilous Graves Alex Jennings (Redhook/Orbit UK)
Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution by R. F. Kuang (Harper Voyager)
Siren Queen Nghi Vo (Tordotcom Publishing)


Dobitnik: Pomegranates Priya Sharma (Absinthe Books)
The Bruising of Qilwa Naseem Jamnia (Tachyon Publications)
The House of Drought Dennis Mombauer (Stelliform Press)
Even Though I Knew the End C. L. Polk (Tordotcom Publishing)
Helpmeet Naben Ruthnum (Undertow Publications)

Kratka priča:

Dobitnik: “Incident at Bear Creek Lodge” Tananarive Due (Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology)
“The Devil Don’t Come with Horns” Eugen Bacon (Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology)
“The Morning House” Kate Heartfield (PodCastle, July 5 2022)
“Telling the Bees” Kat Howard (The Sunday Morning Transport, Jan. 30 2022)
“Douen” Suzan Palumbo (The Dark magazine, March 2022)


Dobitnik: Africa Risen: A New Era of Speculative Fiction, urednici Sheree Renée Thomas, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki i Zelda Knight (Tordotcom Publishing)
Screams from the Dark: 29 Tales of Monsters and the Monstrous, urednik Ellen Datlow (Tor Nightfire)
Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology, urednici Vince Liaguno i Rena Mason (William Morrow)
Dark Stars: New Tales of Darkest Horror, urednik John F. D. Taff (Tor Nightfire)
Trouble the Waters: Tales from the Deep Blue, urednici Sheree Renée Thomas, Pan Morigan i Troy Wiggins (Third Man Books)


Dobitnik: All Nightmare Long Tim Lebbon (PS Publishing)
Dark Breakers C. S. E. Cooney (Mythic Delirium Books)
Breakable Things Cassandra Khaw (Undertow Publications)
Boys, Beasts & Men Sam J. Miller (Tachyon Publications)
A Different Darkness and Other Abominations Luigi Musolino (Valancourt Books)


Dobitnik: Kinuko Y. Craft
Galen Dara
Matt Ottley
Lauren Raye Snow
Charles Vess

Posebna nagrada za profesionalni rad:

Dobitnik: Matt Ottley, za The Tree of Ecstasy and Unbearable Sadness (Dirt Lane Press)
Irene Gallo, za
Gavin J. Grant i Kelly Link, za Small Beer Press
Tim Lebbon i Daniele Serra, za Without Walls (PS Publishing)
Fiona Moore, za Management Lessons from Game of Thrones: Organization Theory and Strategy in Westeros (Edward Elgar Publishing)

Posebna nagrada za neprofesionalni rad:

Dobitnik: Michael Kelly, za Undertow Publications
Cristina Macía, za The Celsius Festival
Lynne M. Thomas i Michael Damian Thomas, za Uncanny Magazine
Dave Ring, za Neon Hemlock Press
E. Catherine Tobler, za The Deadlands

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