Dobitnici Nebule, Aurelisa te nagrada čitatelja Asimov’sa i Analoga

Po 48. put, dodijeljene su nagrade Nebula o kojoj odlučuju pisci udruženja SFWA. Uz tu prestižnu nagradu, na Nebula weekendu su još dodijeljene i Solstice Award (osobama koje su ostavile značajan trag u žanru, dodjeljuje se od 2008.), Kevin O’Donnell Service to SFWA Award (za doprinos SFWA udruženju), Damon Knight Grand Master Award (nagrada za životno djelo), Andre Norton Award  (nagrada za djela namjenjna mladima) i Ray Bradbury Award (nagrada za serije i filmove). Ovogodišnji dobitnici su:

Najbolji roman: 2312, Kim Stanley Robinson
Najbolja novela: After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall, Nancy Kress
Najbolja priča: Close Encounters, Andy Duncan
Najbolja kratka priča: Immersion, Aliette de Bodard
Andre Norton Award: Fair Coin, E. C. Myers
Ray Bradbury Award: Beasts of the Southern Wild, autora Benha Zeitlina and Lucy Abilar u režiji Benha Zeitlina
Solstice Award: Ginjer Buchanan i Carl Sagan
Kevin J. O’Donnell Service to SFWA Award: Michael H. Payne
Damon Knight Grand Master Award: Gene Wolfe

Nagradu Aurelis dodjeljuju Australci, a dobitnici su:

Fantasy roman: Sea Hearts, Margo Lanagan
Fantasy kratka priča: Bajazzle, Margo Lanagan
Science Fiction roman: The Rook, Daniel O’Malley
Science Fiction kratka priča: Significant Dust, Margo Lanagan
Horror roman: Perfections, Kirstyn McDermott
Horror kratka priča: Sky, Kaaron Warren
Roman za mlade: Dead, Actually, Kaz Delaney i Sea Hearts, Margo Lanagan
Priča za mlade: The Wisdom of the Ants, Thoraiya Dyer
Antologija: The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year Volume 6, urednik Jonathan Strahan
Zbirka: That Book Your Mad Ancestor Wrote, K. J. Bishop

Analog Science Fiction and Fact Analytical Laboratory pobjednici:

Najbolja novela: Nightfall on the Peak of Eternal Light, Richard A. Lovett & William Gleason
Najbolja priča: Ninety Thousand Horses, Sean McMullen
Najbolja kratka priča: Titanium Soul, Catherine Shaffer
Najbolja naslovnica: October 2012 (listopad 2012.), Michael Whelan

Čitatelji Asimov’sa biraju svake godine što im je najbolje od objavljenog u časopisu. Pobjednici su:

Najbolja novela: Murder Born, Robert Reed
Najbolja priča: The Way of the Needle, Derek Künsken
Najbolja kratka priča: Final Exam, Megan Arkenberg; Sexy Robot Mom, Sandra McDonald
Najbolja pjesma:  Future History, Joe Haldeman
Autor naslovnica: Laura Diehl

SFWA presented the 48th annual Nebula Awards in San Jose, CA on May 18. In addition to the Nebula Awards, SFWA also presented the Solstice Awards, the Kevin O’Donnell Service to SFWA Award, the Damon Knight Grand Master Award, the Andre Norton Award, and the Ray Bradbury Award.

Best Novel: 2312, by Kim Stanley Robinson
Best Novella: After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall, by Nancy Kress
Best Novelette: “Close Encounters,” by Andy Duncan
Best Short Story: “Immersion,” by Aliette de Bodard
Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy: Fair Coin, by E. C. Myers
Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation: Beasts of the Southern Wild, written by Benh Zeitlin and Lucy Abilar, directed by Benh Zeitlin
Solstice Award: Ginjer Buchanan and Carl Sagan
Kevin J. O’Donnell Service to SFWA Award: Michael H. Payne
Damon Knight Grand Master Award: Gene Wolfe

The Aurealis Awards winners were announced May 18, 2013 in North Sydney, Australia. Next year’s awards will be in Canberra.

Fantasy Novel: Sea Hearts, by Margo Lanagan
Fantasy Short Story: “Bajazzle,” by Margo Lanagan
Science Fiction Novel: The Rook, by Daniel O’Malley
Science Fiction Short Story: “Significant Dust,” by Margo Lanagan
Horror Novel: Perfections, by Kirstyn McDermott
Horror Short Story: “Sky,” by Kaaron Warren
Young Adult Novel: Dead, Actually, by Kaz Delaney; and Sea Hearts, by Margo Lanagan
Young Adult Short Story: “The Wisdom of the Ants,” by Thoraiya Dyer
Children’s Fiction (told primarily through words): Brotherband: The Hunters, by John Flanagan
Children’s Fiction (told primarily through pictures): Little Elephants, by Graeme Base
Illustrated Book/Graphic Novel: Blue, by Pat Grant
Anthology: The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year Volume 6, edited by Jonathan Strahan
Collection: That Book Your Mad Ancestor Wrote, by K. J. Bishop
2012 Peter McNamara Convenors’ Award for Excellence: Kate Eltham
2012 Kris Hembury Encouragement Awards: Laura Goodin
The winners of the Analog Science Fiction and Fact Analytical Laboratory Winners and the Asimov’s Readers’ Poll were announced at the Dell Magazines breakfast on Saturday, March 18 in San Jose, CA as part of the Nebula Weekend.

Analog Science Fiction and Fact Analytical Laboratory Winners:

Best Novella: “Nightfall on the Peak of Eternal Light,” by Richard A. Lovett & William Gleason
Best Novelette: “Ninety Thousand Horses,” by Sean McMullen
Best Short Story: “Titanium Soul,” by Catherine Shaffer
Best Fact: “Faster Than a Speeding Photon,” by Edward M. Lerner
Best Cover: October 2012 by Michael Whelan

Asimov’s Readers’ Poll:

Best Novella: “Murder Born,” by Robert Reed
Best Novelette: “The Way of the Needle,” by Derek Künsken
Best Short Story: “Final Exam,” by Megan Arkenberg; “Sexy Robot Mom,” by Sandra McDonald
Best Poem: “Future History,” by Joe Haldeman
Best Cover Artist: Laura Diehl

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