Bram Stoker nagrada predstavlja iznimno dostignuće u svijetu horora. Od 1987. godine dodjeljuje je “The Horror Writers Association”. Nagrada nosi ime po autoru Drakule, a neki od uglednih dobitnika u prošlosti bili su Clive Barker, Robert Bloch, Ellen Datlow, Neil Gaiman, Joe Hill, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Stephen King i Joyce Carol Oates. Dobitnici će biti objavljeni na StokerConu, koji se ove godine održava u Stamfordu, u Connecticutu.
Superior Achievement in an Anthology (antologija)
- Ajram, Sofia — Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Tragic Queer Horror (Ghoulish Books)
- Costello, Rob — We Mostly Come Out at Night: 15 Queer Tales of Monsters, Angels & Other Creatures (Running Press)
- Gyzander, Carol and Taborska, Anna — Discontinue If Death Ensues: Tales from the Tipping Point (Flame Tree Publishing)
- Murano, Doug and Bailey, Michael — Long Division: Stories of Social Decay, Societal Collapse, and Bad Manners (Bad Hand Books)
- Ryan, Lindy — Mother Knows Best: Tales of Homemade Horror (A Women in Horror Anthology) (Black Spot Books)
Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection (zbirka priča)
- Barron, Laird — Not a Speck of Light (Bad Hand Books)
- Enriquez, Mariana — A Sunny Place for Shady People (Penguin)
- Sylvaine, Angela — The Dead Spot: Stories of Lost Girls (Dark Matter Ink)
- Waggoner, Tim — Old Monsters Never Die (Winding Road Stories)
- Yardley, Mercedes M. — Love is a Crematorium and Other Tales (Cemetery Dance)
Superior Achievement in a First Novel (debitantski roman)
- Coles, Donyae — Midnight Rooms (Amistad)
- Drake-Thomas, Jessica — Hollow Girls (Cemetery Dance Publications)
- Kiefer, Jenny — This Wretched Valley (Quirk Books)
- Kim, Monika — The Eyes Are the Best Part (Erewhon Books)
- Ryan, Lindy — Bless Your Heart (Minotaur Books)
Superior Achievement in a Graphic Novel (strip)
- Ha, Robin (writer/artist) — The Fox Maidens (HarperCollins Children’s Books)
- Hetland, Beth (writer/artist) — Tender (Fantagraphics Books)
- Horvath, Patrick (writer/artist) — Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (Penguin Random House)
- Tanabe, Gou (writer/artist) — H. P. Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu (Dark Horse Books)
- Umber, Maggie (writer/artist) — Chrysanthemum Under the Waves (Maggie Umber LLC)
Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (priča, novela)
- Ajram, Sofia – Coup de Grâce (Titan Books)
- Cassidy, Nat – Rest Stop (Shortwave Publishing)
- Chapman, Clay McLeod – Kill Your Darling (Bad Hand Books)
- LaRocca, Eric – “All The Parts of You That Won’t Easily Burn” (This Skin Was Once Mine and Other Disturbances) (Titan Books)
- Royce, Eden – Hollow Tongue (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
Superior Achievement in Long Non-Fiction (publicistika)
- Bogutskaya, Anna — Feeding the Monster: Why Horror Has a Hold on Us (Faber & Faber)
- Dauber, Jeremy — American Scary: A History of Horror, from Salem to Stephen King and Beyond (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill)
- Honeycutt, Heidi — I Spit on Your Celluloid: The History of Women Directing Horror Movies (HeadPress)
- Hughes, Emily C. — Horror for Weenies: Everything You Need to Know About the Films You’re Too Scared to Watch (Quirk Books)
- Sachar, Cassandra O’Sullivan, ed. — No More Haunted Dolls: Horror Fiction that Transcends the Tropes (Vernon Press)
Superior Achievement in a Middle Grade Novel (roman za djecu)
- Averling, Mary – The Curse of Eelgrass Bog (Razorbill)
- Collings, Michaelbrent – The Witch in the Woods (Shadow Mountain Publishing)
- Cuevas, Adrianna – The No-Brainer’s Guide to Decomposition (HarperCollins Children’s Books)
- Ottone, Robert P. – There’s Something Sinister in Center Field (Cemetery Gates Media)
- Royce, Eden – The Creepening of Dogwood House (Walden Pond Press)
Superior Achievement in a Novel (roman)
- Iglesias, Gabino — House of Bone and Rain (Mulholland Books in US; Titan Books in UK)
- Jones, Stephen Graham — I Was a Teenage Slasher (S&S/Saga Press in US; Titan Books in UK)
- Kiste, Gwendolyn — The Haunting of Velkwood (S&S/Saga Press)
- Malerman, Josh — Incidents Around the House (Del Rey)
- Tremblay, Paul — Horror Movie (William Morrow in US; Titan Books in UK)
Superior Achievement in Poetry (poezija)
- Hodge, Jamal – The Dark Between the Twilight (Crystal Lake Publishing)
- Iniguez, Pedro – Mexicans on the Moon: Speculative Poetry from a Possible Future (Space Cowboy Books)
- Murray, Lee – Fox Spirit on a Distant Cloud (The Cuba Press)
- Saulson, Sumiko – Melancholia: A Book of Dark Poetry (Bludgeoned Girls Press)
- Wood, L. Marie – Imitation of Life (Falstaff Books)
Superior Achievement in a Screenplay (scenarij)
- Beck, Scott and Woods, Bryan — Heretic (A24, Shiny Penny, Beck/Woods)
- Eggers, Robert; Galeen, Henrik; and Stoker, Bram — Nosferatu (Focus Features, Maiden Voyage Pictures, Studio 8)
- Fargeat, Coralie — The Substance (Working Title Film, Good Story, Blacksmith)
- Perkins, Osgood — Longlegs (C2 Motion Picture Group, Cweature Features, Oddfellow Entertainment)
- Schoenbrun, Jane — I Saw the TV Glow (A24, Fruit Tree, Smudge Films)
Superior Achievement in Short Fiction (kratka priča, minijatura)
- Barron, Laird — “Versus Versus” (Long Division: Stories of Social Decay, Societal Collapse, and Bad Manners) (Bad Hand Books)
- Bolton, Rachel — “And She Had Been So Reasonable” (Apex Magazine Issue 147) (Apex Book Company)
- Brown, Sasha — “To the Wolves” (Weird Horror #9) (Undertow Publications)
- Busby, R. A. — “Ten Thousand Crawling Children” (Nightmare Magazine January 2024) (Adamant Press)
- Jakubowski, Raven — “She Sheds Her Skin” (Nightmare Magazine November 2024) (Adamant Press)
Superior Achievement in Short Non-Fiction (kratka publicistika)
- Arnzen, Michael — “Screamin’ in the Rain: The Orchestration of Catharsis in William Castle’s The Tingler“ (What Sleeps Beneath)
- Liaguno, Vince — “The Horror of Donna Berzatto and Her Feast of the Seven Fishes” (You’re Not Alone in the Dark) (Cemetery Dance Publications)
- Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew — “Hidden Histories: The Many Ghosts of Disney’s Haunted Mansion” (Disney Gothic: Dark Shadows in the House of Mouse) (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.)
- Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr. — “Jackson and Haunting of the Stage” (Journal of Shirley Jackson Studies Vol. 2 No. 1) (Shirley Jackson Society)
- Wood, Lisa — “Blacks in Film and Cultivated Bias” (No More Haunted Dolls: Horror Fiction that Transcends the Tropes) (Vernon Press)
Superior Achievement in a YA Novel (roman za mlade)
- Cesare, Adam — Clown in a Cornfield 3: The Church of Frendo (HarperCollins Children’s Books)
- Fraistat, Ann — A Place for Vanishing (Delacorte Press)
- Parker, Natalie C. — Come Out, Come Out (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
- Senf, Lora — The Losting Fountain (Union Square & Co.)
- Wellington, Joelle — The Blonde Dies First (Simon & Schuster)